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Who are we?

We are a REAL GRASSROOTS group of individuals from Boston and surrounding areas with many disagreements. We are not an organization or a business nor are we sponsored or affiliated with any organizations or businesses. We have all met and come together for ONE COMMON SENSE ISSUE: WE ARE SICK AND TIRED OF CORRUPT GOVERNMENT OVERREACH AND WE REFUSE TO STAY SILENT AND COMPLICIT.

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Our Story and Our Mission

From peaceful protests and direct confrontation of SELECTED "officials", to unlawful arrests, malicious and selective judicial prosecution, and excessive police force, we have been the only effective grassroots movement of Massachusetts. We got the MA State House open after being closed to the public for 700+ days (the longest state house closure in the country). We got Boston City Council to hold their first in-person public hearing after 2 years of being completely virtual, and prompted them to ask, "where is the public health emergency?". We got the mask mandate lifted for Boston Public Schools. We got vax passport and vax mandates lifted for the City of Boston and Boston City Workers.


We've embarrassed Boston Mayor Michelle Wu on a national and international level, by showing strong opposition to her fascist vax mandates, her self-serving policies/ordinances, her relentless discrimination against specific people and neighborhoods of Boston, and her dictator actions such as sending a list of 15 names of her most vocal critics to the Boston Police to have us handled, arrested and silenced. 


After spending 3 years raising awareness and resisting draconian pandemic restrictions and mandates, we've learned that the only way out of this political mess that we're in is to get to work on a hyper-local level by informing and educating our neighbors. Our mission is to inform and educate the people of Boston so that we can come together across all the neighborhoods with a united front and take back our city. Join us. 






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